Other Educational Activities


Lab Time
Student may use the facility’s lab station equipment, student control room and studio, after requisite training on the equipment. To provide students with additional hands-on exposure to recording equipment, students are allowed a bank of time for each recording class attended, up to an approximate total of 20% of the program clock hours. Contact the school for details. Lab time may be used for internship credit as an independent engineer/producer and must be used within 60 days of the last recording course. Added lab time may be purchased at reasonable rates.

Assisted Lab Time
Students who wish individually assisted lab or tutoring can arrange this through the front office. Cost is $15 per hour above any applicable charge for lab time for an assistant. Premium instruction may be slightly more. Students may use any lab time already allowed for this. Available lab times include afternoon time slots, Friday, and Saturday.

Instructor Conferences
Students may arrange private conferences where they can get help with areas of study that they are having difficulty. Instructors may suggest additional activities and assignments to help the student through the area of difficulty. Students are encouraged to have short instructor conferences on a regular basis.


Other Program Credit

In addition to the courses, other activities can apply for program attendance credit. In addition, Prior Training and In-Field Credit may apply.

Web Study Credit
The Recording Institute of Detroit theory materials are posted to the web in the form of reading materials, online quizzes, tests, final examinations, audio and video demonstrations, and one or more interactive study modules that are used for campus training, distance training and theory makeup assignments.
Use of the web resources by distance students can reduce required campus attendance by 30 – 50% for completion of Pro Audio Specialist, Recording Techniques 1, and Associate Recording Engineer/Producer program requirements. Contact the school for details or visit our website (www.recordinginstitute.com) for more details.